29 | março a 4 | abril
| ||
| Mr. Bean's Holiday
| 202437 | 202437
| 845.977 | 845.977
| |
| Meet the Robinsons
| 72492 | 72492
| 298.078 | 298.078
| |
| Norbit
| 40094 | 184650
| 165.969 | 769.816
| |
| Music and Lyrics
| 31567 | 76317
| 133.262 | 320.427
| |
| Epic Movie
| 18792 | 50655
| 77.934 | 208.753
| |
| Ghost Rider
| 17764 | 124184
| 74.443 | 525.193
| |
| Premonition
| 17315 | 17315
| 72.879 | 72.879
| |
| Painted Veil, The
| 5672 | 23208
| 25.962 | 103.804
| |
| Caimano, Il
| 4829 | 10107
| 22.547 | 45.414
| |
| Good Shepherd, The
| 4265 | 114993
| 18.387 | 500.812
dados retirados do site Cinema PT Gate (http://cinema.ptgate.pt)